PHOTOS: Rear Plate of iPad Mini 2 Leaks, Showing Silver Surface

Sonny Dickson continues his streak of Apple leaks. (Sonny Dickson)

Sonny Dickson strikes again! The blogger has leaked new photos of the possible rear plate for Apple’s newest tablet. His gallery is massive and gives a great look and this latest piece of tech. Based on the size, it appears this could be the iPad Mini 2.

The alleged graphite iPhone 5s showed up this morning and established a new color trend for Apple’s smartphones, but a silver plate shows Apple may not be experimenting with their tablets at all.

The Apple logo is the only distinguishing feature we see, so where is everything else? (Sonny Dickson)

Surprisingly, news about the miniature iPad has been pretty quiet compared with rumors about the next set of smartphones. As usual, the authenticity of the images is debatable. The only significant identifier is the Apple logo embedded on the back, but other hints of features are absent. The retina display has been an important focus of speculation, but the rear case leaves no indication it will be a part of the new tablet.

The size and shape of iPad match up with Apple’s other high-tech tablets. The actual release date of the iPad Mini 2 is still unknown, which could be a result of the rumors that the firm is testing out larger screens.

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The iPad Mini 2 has an unknown release date but could be revealed around September 10th along with the two new iPhones.